MS Pregnancy Register Logo

Are you pregnant and have MS? If so, we would like to invite you to join the UK MS Pregnancy Register. By joining today and answering a series of questionnaires throughout your pregnancy and after the birth of your child, you can help us understand what it is like to be pregnant with MS. The findings from this study could influence how pregnant woman with MS are treated in the UK.

We want to start building a picture of what women with MS who are pregnant are actually doing in terms of their MS around pregnancy, so that we can try to improve things for women in the future. The kind of questions we are interested in include:

  • what are you choosing to do regarding disease modifying therapy
  • what are you choosing to do regarding other treatments and supplements
  • what influences your breastfeeding choices
  • how do all of these things impact on you, your pregnancy and your baby

You don’t have to be on a treatment or seeing a specialist, and it doesn’t matter which type of MS you have. We need you!

If you want to find out more, you can read the Short Patient Information Sheet which outlines the study or the Longer Information Sheet that contains all the details you might want to know.

Please join the MS Register if you haven’t already. We will firstly ask a few questions about you and your MS, and you will then see the Pregnancy study on the My MS Page. Get in touch if you have any questions at all

Join Now

If you are already on the MS Register you can sign up to the Pregnancy study here
Login to MS Register

For more information on being pregnant with MS you can access the UK MS Pregnancy Guidelines - some of the people involved in writing these are also working on this website.
The Chief Investigator of this study is Dr Ruth Dobson, Queen Mary University for any enquires, please email